ChatGPT Alternatives Free Online: A Guide to Pre-Trained Language Models

“ChatGPT Alternatives Free Online” is very important to discuss considering the growing utility of Artificial Intelligence powered Chatbot. The Google Launch is in discussion with every update and version that it is introducing using “NLP – Natural language processing models”.

The Branch of Artificial Intelligence is at its peak adjacent to the vision the Geeks are upgrading. “Pre-Trained Language Models” are being tested and explored for automatic tasks. However, the real use case has other options and there will be many more updates and ideas to build the platforms for efficient synchronization with tasks.

In the field of natural language processing (NLP), pre-trained language models have revolutionized the way we approach text-related tasks. One of the most popular pre-trained language models is ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI.

However, there are other alternatives to ChatGPT that may be better suited for certain NLP applications. In this article, we will explore some of the best alternatives to ChatGPT and their key features.

5 Best Free Alternatives To ChatGPT That Blow Your Mind

BERT – Alternative to ChatGPT

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is a pre-trained language model developed by researchers at Google. Unlike ChatGPT, which uses autoregressive language modeling, BERT is trained using a combination of masked language modeling and next-sentence prediction. The model has 110 million parameters for the base version and 340 million for the large version.

BERT is developed by researchers at Google, including Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and Kristina Toutanova. One of the key strengths of BERT is its ability to understand word context, which makes it particularly effective at tasks such as question answering and sentiment analysis.

5 Best Alternatives To ChatGPT
5 Best Alternatives To ChatGPT

BERT also provides strong performance on the GLUE benchmark, a collection of nine NLP tasks. BERT is a pre-trained model that is widely used in natural languages processing tasks such as sentiment analysis, question-answering, and text classification.

GPT-2 – Alternative to ChatGPT

GPT-2 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 2) is another pre-trained language model developed by OpenAI. Unlike BERT, which is trained using a combination of masked language modeling and next-sentence prediction, GPT-2 is trained using autoregressive language modeling.

The model has 1.5 billion parameters for the medium version and 8.3 billion for the XL version. GPT-2 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 2) has 1.5 billion parameters and is capable of generating highly coherent and realistic text.

5 Best Alternatives To ChatGPT
5 Best Alternatives To ChatGPT

GPT-2 is developed by researchers at OpenAI, including Alec Radford, Jeff Wu, Rewon Child, David Luan, and Dario Amodei. One of the key strengths of GPT-2 is its ability to generate highly coherent and realistic text, making it well-suited for text and conversation generation tasks.

However, this strength can also be a weakness, as the model’s ability to generate fake news and propaganda has raised ethical concerns.

XLNet – Alternative to ChatGPT

XLNet is a pre-trained language model developed by researchers at Google. Unlike BERT and GPT-2, which use either masked language modeling or autoregressive language modeling, XLNet uses a permutation-based approach to modeling sequences.

The model has 340 million parameters for the base version and 1.5 billion for the large version. XLNet is developed by researchers at Google, including Zhilin Yang, Zihang Dai, Yiming Yang, Jaime Carbonell, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and Quoc V. Le.

XLNet – developed by Google AI, XLNet is another pre-trained model that has achieved state-of-the-art results in natural language processing tasks. It uses a permutation-based approach to modeling sequences of text.

5 Best Alternatives To ChatGPT
5 Best Alternatives To ChatGPT

One of the key strengths of XLNet is its ability to capture long-term dependencies in the text more effectively than other models, making it well-suited for tasks such as text classification and sentiment analysis. XLNet also provides strong performance on a variety of NLP tasks, including the GLUE benchmark.

RoBERTa – Alternative to ChatGPT

RoBERTa (Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach) is a pre-trained language model developed by researchers at Facebook AI. RoBERTa is based on BERT, but uses additional training data augmentation techniques to improve its robustness to variations in the input text.

The model has 125 million parameters for the base version and 355 million for the large version. RoBERTa is developed by researchers at Facebook AI, including Yinhan Liu, Myle Ott, Naman Goyal, Jingfei Du, Mandar Joshi, Danqi Chen, Omer Levy, Mike Lewis, Luke Zettlemoyer, and Veselin Stoyanov.

RoBERTa (Robustly Optimized BERT Approach) is developed by Facebook AI, RoBERTa is a variant of BERT that was pre-trained on a larger corpus of text and with additional training data augmentation techniques.

5 Best Alternatives To ChatGPT
5 Best Alternatives To ChatGPT

One of the key strengths of RoBERTa is its ability to provide more robust performance than BERT, particularly in cases where there is significant variation in the input text. RoBERTa also provides strong performance on a variety of NLP tasks, including the GLUE benchmark.

T5 – Alternative to ChatGPT

T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) is a pre-trained language model developed by researchers at Google Brain. Unlike the other models discussed in this article, T5 is not designed for any specific task. Instead, it is a versatile model that can perform a variety of NLP tasks by converting input text to output text.

The model has 220 million parameters for the small version and 11 billion for the XXL version.T5 is developed by researchers at Google Brain, including Colin Raffel, Noam Shazeer, Adam Roberts, Katherine Lee, Sharan Narang, Michael Matena, Yanqi Zhou, Wei Li, and Peter J. Liu.

T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) is developed by Google Brain, T5 is a pre-trained model that can perform a variety of natural language tasks by converting input text into output text using a single transformer-based architecture.

5 Best Alternatives To ChatGPT
5 Best Alternatives To ChatGPT

One of the key strengths of T5 is its versatility, as it can perform a variety of NLP tasks, including summarization, translation, and text classification. T5 is also highly flexible and customizable, making it a popular choice for fine-tuning specific NLP tasks.

Comparison of AI Chatbots to ChatGPT

ModelDeveloped ByPre-training Method# of ParametersKey Strengths
BERTGoogleMasked Language Modeling (MLM) and Next Sentence Prediction (NSP)110 million (BERT-base), 340 million (BERT-large)Understanding word context, strong performance on question-answering tasks
GPT-2OpenAIUnsupervised pre-training with autoregressive language modeling1.5 billion (GPT-2-medium), 8.3 billion (GPT-2-xl)Highly coherent and realistic text generation, good for text and conversation generation tasks
XLNetGoogleUnsupervised pre-training with a permutation-based approach to modeling sequences340 million (XLNet-base), 1.5 billion (XLNet-large)Captures long-term dependencies in text more effectively than other models, strong performance on a variety of NLP tasks
RoBERTaFacebook AIUnsupervised pre-training with MLM and additional training data augmentation techniques125 million (RoBERTa-base), 355 million (RoBERTa-large)More robust to variations in input text, strong performance on a variety of NLP tasks
T5Google BrainUnsupervised pre-training with a text-to-text transfer transformer220 million (T5-small), 11 billion (T5-xxl)Versatile model that can perform a variety of NLP tasks by converting input text to output text, strong performance on the GLUE benchmark


“Alternatives to ChatGPT” will help to understand suitable options for Tech Utility based on user-friendly design. Though ChatGPT remains a popular and powerful pre-trained language model, there are other alternatives that may be better suited for certain NLP tasks.

BERT, GPT-2, XLNet, RoBERTa, and T5 are all highly capable models with unique strengths and weaknesses. When choosing a pre-trained language model, it’s important to consider the specific requirements of your task and evaluate which model is best suited to meet those requirements.

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Which AI is better than ChatGPT?

Bing Chat, because now ChatGPT has premium plan and for premium users they are providing new features and old ChatGPT has limitation.

Is there any other AI like ChatGPT?

Yes obviously, there are more than 5 but we listed best 5 alternatives to ChatGPT.

Is there a free version of ChatGPT?

Yes, but free version of ChatGPT has some limitations.

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